Effective Strategy to Manage Acute Heart Failure: Time Is Life! In: Proceeding Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkelanjutan Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular PKB XX. Departemen Penyakit Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular FK UNAIR

Heart failure is a leading cause of hospitalization people above 65 years old. Especially Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) is complex clinical event associated with mortality and morbidity also readmission. Main reason hospitalization for worsening heart failure is related to symptoms of congestion. Unlike chronic heart failure, management of ADHF is challenging because of the lack effective treatment and mostly based on expert opinion. Similar to acute coronary syndrome, management of ADHF based on time saving is a life saving. Around 80% of ADHF admissions initially present to emergency department. Goal of ADHF treatment is to treat any immediate life-threatening conditions. Delay in diagnosis and treatment will lead to worse outcomes in ADHF. Safely improving symptoms of heart failure is a major goal in the early management of patient with ADHF. Further, optimalization of oral therapy and follow up giving positive effect to prevent rehospitalization.

Item Type : Ilmu Administrasi Negara,
Uncontrolled Keywords : Studi Kasus, Wacana Politik,
Division : Ilmu Administrasi Negara
Creators :
Creators NIM
Andrianto, NIDN8877700016
Deposting User : Admin STIA BAYUANGGA
Date Deposited : 03-01-2022
Last Modified : 03-01-2022
URL : https://repository.stia-bayuangga.ac.id/eprint/effective-strategy-to-manage-acute-heart-failure-time-is-life-in-proceeding-pendidikan-kedokteran-berkelanjutan-kardiologi-dan-kedokteran-vaskular-pkb-xx-departemen-penyakit-kardiologi-dan-kedokte/
Attachment : gafri-putra-a-1.pdf
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